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Passport to Space - Susmita Mohanty and Maya Nasr Cover Image

Passport to Space - Susmita Mohanty and Maya Nasr

Passport to Space - Susmita Mohanty and Maya Nasr

Starts: Thursday, 15 August 2024
Ends: Thursday, 15 August 2024
Indian space entrepreneur and habitat designer Dr Susmita Mohanty joins Lebanese remote sensing scientist Dr Maya Nasr in conversation to discuss their shared vision for space exploration. Drawing on their experiences from Nasr launching the Humanity United with MIT Art and Nanotechnology in Space record of community messages to the International Space Station, to Mohanty’s role championing India’s cutting-edge space industry - the duo will examine the barriers they have overcome to ensure improved representation and diversity to create an industry that is open to all. This is an Auslan interpreted event.
Add to Calendar 2024-08-15 12:00 am 2024-08-15 12:00 am Passport to Space - Susmita Mohanty and Maya Nasr Indian space entrepreneur and habitat designer Dr Susmita Mohanty joins Lebanese remote sensing scientist Dr Maya Nasr in conversation to discuss their shared vision for space exploration. Drawing on their experiences from Nasr launching the Humanity United with MIT Art and Nanotechnology in Space record of community messages to the International Space Station, to Mohanty’s role championing India’s cutting-edge space industry - the duo will examine the barriers they have overcome to ensure improved representation and diversity to create an industry that is open to all. This is an Auslan interpreted event. 182 Church Street, Parramatta , NSW , 2150 , Australia
182 Church Street, Parramatta , NSW , 2150 , Australia
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Phone #: 0292170222

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