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Filmmaking Fundamentals for the Digital Age Cover Image

Filmmaking Fundamentals for the Digital Age

Filmmaking Fundamentals for the Digital Age

Starts: Sunday, 12 January 2025
Ends: Sunday, 12 January 2025
Learn how to expertly light a scene, record sound and move your camera to get high production values. You'll also use iPhones, mirrorless cameras, camcorders, low-cost digital cinema cameras introduce you to inexpensive professional editing programs like Final Cut Pro X and the free version of DaVinci Resolve - Cut Page. You’ll learn how to move your camera using devices that don't cost much and learn about apps to help you. A strong emphasis is placed on sound and lighting techniques which can let a production down if not done well. While there will be cameras available to shoot with at the course, participants are encouraged to bring, and use, their own cameras to experiment with the techniques demonstrated at the course. This is a very hands-on course and participants are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of filmmaking - camera, sound, lighting, directing, acting and editing. You’ll also get the latest information on affordable cameras (mirrorless, dedicated hand-held cameras), lighting, audio, sliders and stabilisers. By the end of the course participants should be able to go out and shoot their own stories and make much better films with higher production values. Conducted by: Con Filippidis DoP/Cinematographer.
Add to Calendar 2025-01-12 12:00 am 2025-01-12 12:00 am Filmmaking Fundamentals for the Digital Age Learn how to expertly light a scene, record sound and move your camera to get high production values. You'll also use iPhones, mirrorless cameras, camcorders, low-cost digital cinema cameras introduce you to inexpensive professional editing programs like Final Cut Pro X and the free version of DaVinci Resolve - Cut Page. You’ll learn how to move your camera using devices that don't cost much and learn about apps to help you. A strong emphasis is placed on sound and lighting techniques which can let a production down if not done well. While there will be cameras available to shoot with at the course, participants are encouraged to bring, and use, their own cameras to experiment with the techniques demonstrated at the course. This is a very hands-on course and participants are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of filmmaking - camera, sound, lighting, directing, acting and editing. You’ll also get the latest information on affordable cameras (mirrorless, dedicated hand-held cameras), lighting, audio, sliders and stabilisers. By the end of the course participants should be able to go out and shoot their own stories and make much better films with higher production values. Conducted by: Con Filippidis DoP/Cinematographer. 150 Princes Street, Carlton North , VIC , 3054 , Australia
150 Princes Street, Carlton North , VIC , 3054 , Australia
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Phone #: 0402359047

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